Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Guard Your Ears

"Be careful what you are hearing...." Mark 4:24

What are you listening to during the day in your business?


Negative talk?

Dirty Jokes?

Failure Language from the tongues of Life Survivors?

What you allow to go into your ears -- ends up in your heart and your business, if you are not careful.

Let me ask you a question: This is from a Doug Firebaugh training and was drafted by Jack Wienzierl.

Would you allow me to go to the landfill, get 4 bags of filthy garbage, come into your beautiful home and dump them on your beautiful carpet in your living room?

Of course NOT!!!!

How about your bedroom?

Of course NOT!!!!

How about the carpet in your car?

Of course NOT!!!!!

Then how come you allow people as well as yourself to dump filthy negative garbage and input in your ears and mind daily?


Your business success is based on Powerful thinking, not Powerless garbage! Your business success is based on Building Words, not Destroying. Success is based on the Word of God, not the Word of the World.

What are you listening to daily, and how is it impacting your AC Success?

You know what HEAR stands for in worldly Success ?

" Hardly Embracing Any Results " (amen!)

You know what HEAR stands for in Christian Success?

"His Eternal Actions Reign!"

If you want your actions and Success to Reign, start hearing what Christ has to say, not others who doubt you and create fear in you. Listen to what Christ has to whisper in your ear... ssshhhh... you can hear the Holy Spirit...

"Never Doubt Me. For I am the King of Kings. And you are royalty. Let My actions totally reign over yours. Let My thoughts reign over yours. Let My Success pour into yours, let my Power build up yours, and like my Blood which poured out at Calvary, so shall Success pour into your life and reign supremely in your business! For I am the Master of ALL Success, Who has mastered the World and all of it's evil Failure, Doubt, and Fear! And you need to hear what I say daily! For those who have ears... Listen!"

Holy Father,
I hear You. I hear loud and clear. I am not going to let people dump their garbage in Your House anymore, as You live in me. You must find some of the things I have heard lately disgusting! Fear! Doubt! Negative thoughts! Discouragement! Delay! Lack of faith! You have heard it all. And I am today cleaning house -- my business house! And my mind will not listen to what does not honor You, and let You do Your Success Work in my life! I will no longer let garbage reign in my mind, but You will reign! You actions will reign! Your thoughts will reign! And because of that, Success will reign in my life! Reign the King of Glory! For those who understand, live deep in His Glory! Praise the Lamb Who was chosen before the beginning of time! Hallelujah! Glory to the King! We praise You Jesus!

In Jesus' Name,


3 steps that could change your outlook are at

When Someone Says You Can't...Ask Them, "According to Whom?"

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