Wednesday, August 15, 2007

How Do I Grow My Business?

Every person new to a business has one thing in common with everyone else in that business—every single one was a beginner at one time. Often our excitement and enthusiasm is high, but our knowledge is low. Success is not mysterious.

Success comes from doing the correct things, correctly, long enough. The “long enough” part of this equation is really up to each person. You must stay consistent with your business and commit to doing the right things to grow. It's important that you do the right things because you can be doing things right but if they are not the right things, you can have a very long road to achieving your ultimate goal. I suggest you not let your education hold you hostage and keep you from becoming something other than what God is calling you to do. Don't conform to the world. Be a world changer. Be a leader. Every person has an opportunity to lead and people are desperately seeking leaders to lead them in their journey. As you are in your journey, don't get hung up on the obstacles that come your way, work throught them knowing God put them there to strenghthen you. And remember, the reward is in the person you become when you get to the end of your journey.

Your Dreams

Most of us stop dreaming as adults. It has even been said that most people work hard enough to not get fired, and most employers pay people just enough so they don’t quit. Many people go through most of their adult lives having never given their ABSOLUTE BEST to anything. The good news is that you can change today. No, you can't go back and make a new start but what you can do is change today and make a new ending. You can break out of the pattern of mediocrity and design the life of your dreams.

You need to define your dream. Those who have a clear picture of that dream will be more excited, consistent and persistent. You will consistently take the steps necessary for success as long as you have enough reasons why you want to succeed.

Write down your dreams and share them with someone you trust. Your dreams will fuel your desire, motivation and efforts as you build your business. Dream BIG dreams. Where do you want to be in 3 years? What would your ideal life look like? How big would you dream if you knew you could not fail? Where would you live? Where would you travel? What ministries would you support? What would your income be?

Next, write down your specific income goal for 3 years from today. What will your monthly cashflow be in 3 years? What are your top 3 dreams that this cashflow will help realize?

Next, break down to your 1 year monthly cashflow and your 6 month cashflow.

One final thought on dreams. Protect them . Well meaning friends and family will do their best to steal those dreams. Protect them with a passion as they will be attacked. There are trained recruiters out there trained to recruit others into their world of negativity, pessimism and complaining. They are “dream stealers.” Most of us can identify some family members that have their Masters degree in stealing dreams.

Attitude – setting yourself up to succeed

You must realize that your personal attitude is a choice. A business acquaintance, Ron Acker, posted a powerful email to one of my business Yahoo Groups last week about a woman with 3 hairs, then 2, then 1, and then had no hair. She was thankful that she did not have to fix her hair on that last day. It is about attitude. I think it was Zig who stated, your attitude will determine your altitude. Your responsibility is to choose to be positive and to expect good things to happen. Expect your business to grow. Expect people to want to break free from the bondage of their JOB.

You will find that all the top performers in any business have challenges too. They have good days and challenging days. They experience obstacles, challenges, setbacks and disappointments but they do not let themselves get down. They maintain a positive attitude and positive expectancy. In addition, you must be coachable. Don’t try to reinvent the wheel or as Tim Darnell once shared, don’t always focus on trying to be a fixer. Be a doer.

How do you stay positive with the right attitude? Focus on your dreams and Fuel your dreams with a daily commitment to read good books, get into God’s Word, listen to inspirational audio programs, and associate with positive people. Stay plugged in with a mentor and plug into leadership through phone calls and conferences. Do something every single day to advance your business. Bless people by sharing a Paul Zane Pilzer or a What do you want? CD, share your site via email, post to your blog, connect with business prospects. You will be amazed by the compounding effect over time.

Remember, most people like to associate with positive individuals. Therefore, by cultivating a positive, winning attitude, you will attract the right people.

Many people are looking for ways to do better financially. Many people have a genuine desire for change in their life and yet they don’t know what to do or how to do it. Regardless of the desire whether to get out of debt, send kids to private schools, etc. they are simply looking for a way out or the answer to their prayers.

If the person you are speaking with has a desire for change, you can offer solutions to produce results.

Goals are dreams with deadlines. We use incremental goals to move incrementally towards our dreams. Goals provide direction and focus and are important. Just write them down and have a deadline and if you miss the target, it's's not like you're passifying some boss.

Goals are the steps that will lead you to realizing your dreams and your ultimate success. Set the right goals that are worthy of your focus, time, effort and energy.

Review your goals for clarity and focus. Keep them in front of you and stay focused, have them on your desk and you will always remember WHY you are building your business.

Counsel with Mentors, it's the only true shortcut to success.

If you evaluate achievers from any walk of life, you will find they have a mentor or coach. Success leaves clues so tap into the experience and wisdom of those who have gone before you. Counsel with the wise and become wise.

Review your time commitments, priorities, activities, and most importantly, results and progress. This is also the place to get help with questions and challenges that you may have. Although you are ultimately responsible for your own success, you're mentor will help you as much as you will allow.

As you build your business, you will find that your success is determined by how many people you can help and influence to become successful. Zig Ziglar says that you can have anything you want in life if you will help enough people get what they want.

Get Started Now….It’s Time for Action

Now is the time for action. As you get into business building action, remember that business needs exposure. Your growth and success will be determined by the number of new people you share your business with on a daily and weekly basis.

Keep it simple:
I Invite people to see what you do, send them to your website
I Share the impact that my business has in my life.
Repeat Often!!!

Your first task is to share your business as I will share my Advantage Conferences business with 5 people in the next 24 hours. No excuses, get into action and have fun. The more you share, the more confident you will become and your business will grow.

Do something positive everyday to grow your business and stay plugged into action.
Continue to lead my example. Remember, business is about duplication. Make sure you are setting the right example. Each day, ask yourself…. "if everyone in my business did what I did today, would my business have grown?"

Keep your business simple and look up for guidance. For God has plans for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans for hope and a future.

Be Blessed to Be Blessed.

When Someone Says You Can't...Ask Them, "According to Whom?"

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