I, Tim Darnell, am the leader of a Christian men’s organization that meets on Saturday mornings at 7:00 AM. We read and discuss scripture together and spend 15 – 20 minutes of that time on our knees in prayer. It is a wonderful time of fellowship and Christ-centered sharing. The discussions are deep, lively and fun all at the same time. We’ve been known to kid each other to the delight of all present and then turn around and pray to God for that same man’s personal concerns and needs.
There are 56 men on the rolls of that organization. We average 7-8 men in attendance each Saturday morning: 12% - 14% active.
Professionally, I own a marketing company where routinely only a small percentage of people do anything at all. Complaining? No, just reporting the facts - the way it always is and the way it always has been for me in business. I share these facts (exact numbers and percentages) with other CEO’s and they’ll inevitably tell me they run almost exactly the same numbers. I had one leader of a well-known international business say that he was jealous of my “high” percentage of active representatives – a sad commentary. But the percentages of “active” participants are predictable and the same for virtually all organizations, churches and businesses.
Moses was convinced by the people to send out 12 spies. Only two came back with the correct report. Let’s see – twelve divided by two = 14%.
Jesus healed ten lepers and only one of the healed men had sense and gratitude enough to thank Jesus for the gift of healing his horrific, debilitating disease. One in ten – 10%.
I’ve heard the 80/20 principle bantered about in business all my life. Twenty percent of the people account for 80 percent of the results. I believe that is a liberal number, if not incorrectly over-optimistic.
In churches, only a small percentage gives the majority of the donations. The numbers that don’t give, or that do give in a token manner is frankly appalling and embarrassing.
The fact is: the majority of people contribute very little to making things happen. I’ve heard this phenomenon explained as the “fear of engagement”. That sounds fancy and scientific at the same time. It is an on-target assessment that most people do fear commitment and sacrifice. In terms of time, service, contribution and production, engaging is indeed the opposite of avoidance. Unfortunately, those who truly engage are in the minority, while those who avoid are in the majority.
Others simply blame the majority’s avoidance of production and commitment – actually doing something in life - on laziness and greed. “I’m not going to give of my time or my money, and by the way, don’t ask me about doing either. Leave me alone. I don’t want to hear it, and I don’t want to talk about it.” Those are the same people who can be counted on to grumble about their situation, complain about what they don’t have, and criticize those who are stepping up to the plate. What an attitude! Can you see why God must be constantly miffed at the children (us) He created and loves with all His heart? On many occasions scripture tells us that, “the Lord’s anger burned against them”, this usually being the result of their wailing and complaining.
I want to encourage you today to take on a new commitment to faithfulness to God and to the ministry/serving that He has called you to undertake. Rather than negotiating with yourself, debating whether you’re going to show up or not at the next meeting, make a steadfast commitment to solid, regular attendance – attendance that others can rely on. When you are faithful, others will become more faithful by your example. Your ministry or church will be greatly strengthened by your reliability – your faithfulness.
Big Mistake
If we place personal comfort or “self” ahead of God, then we are making a major mistake. There should not be any of this “I’m tired”, or “I need to spend time with my family” excuses battling our commitment to serve God. If we put our comfort, television, or recreation ahead of God, we are making a major mistake with our priorities.
Common Mistake
Most people, even Christians in a church setting when asked, “what do you value the most”, will answer, “family”. That is a common, rational, and instinctual reply according to the world, but it is a mistaken priority. If we place our family, our parents, or our children ahead of God, then we are making a major mistake. (see Luke 9:61-62; Genesis 22; Mark 6:33-34; Matthew 19:29) God comes first, even above family and children. Some of you won’t understand this and may be shaking your head, but with time and study, you’ll come to understand this profound and exciting truth. Placing God as our first priority in life is the very best thing we can do for our children.
If we want our family and children to be blessed, then the best thing we can do for these precious people in our life is to place them in proper priority – God first and family second. You will find that maintaining the proper order of priorities in your life will reap tremendous rewards for not only yourself, but the very ones you love the most. We outsmart our self and may be risking much by placing family over God.
God rewards faithfulness, but be clear that scripture shows time after time that He does not reward non-faithfulness. Yes, He is merciful and good. He is love, Praise God. At the same time, beware non-faithfulness. Non-faithfulness not only hurts us, it can hurt our children. In Numbers 14:33, God says, “Your children will be shepherds here for forty years, suffering for your unfaithfulness, until the last of your bodies lies in the desert.” God doesn’t want our grumbling and complaining – our unfaithfulness. No, He demands our faithfulness to Him as first priority. Get your priorities right and you’ll find that other aspects of your life will flourish as well.
As regards money, it’s time to quit debating whether or not you are going to tithe your income back to God. What tithing means is steadfastly taking 10 percent of your income and reliably and faithfully giving it back to God via donating to your church and/or the ministry of your choice. Quit debating about whether you can tithe or not. Simply do it. And God will reward your faithfulness. Failure to do this is outthinking God and withholding what is His – a serious mistake.
As regards service, if you are not volunteering and taking on responsibilities at your church, then it’s time you start giving of your time and talents to God. Anybody can sleep in – and most people do. Anybody can come up with excuses to not serve and to not give. There’s a pile of excuses you and I could easily list that anybody can make. But excuses are the meat and potatoes served at the table of the unfaithful. Don’t fall victim to thinking your way out of serving God and serving others.
Statistically, those who are faithful fall into the 14% category. If you are not already, I encourage you to determine to become a member of this elite minority – those who dedicate their life to faithfulness. Be the one who engages, who steps up to the plate and takes on the responsibilities that others shy away from. Don’t fall victim to your own excuses, but rather determine to be the biggest giver and the greatest server. Be the Faithful One, and you will be blessed beyond any dreams you can imagine.
“For the Lord loves the just and will not forsake his faithful ones.” Psalm 37:28
If you would like to commit your life to Jesus Christ, you can do so, and thereby experience the most important gift ever offered to mankind! You don’t have to be perfect – I’m certainly not and I know you aren’t either. In fact, we all sin and fall far short of perfection. Won’t you make the greatest decision you can ever make? I pray that you will do so today.
Pray for divine guidance and understanding each time prior to reading scripture. Remember, you are reading God's Words written to and for you! This is extremely powerful, so get ready to be empowered!
Be sure to underline and/or highlight passages that stand out to you. You can even circle a verse or sections that really speak to you!
Reading the Bible is like developing a new muscle. The more you work out with it, the more you'll "get it". Don't get discouraged - be encouraged! Some books are easier to read than others. Every book contains incredible material - and soon it will start coming together into profound new understanding and revelation for you.
You can do this, no question about it. God bless you immensely!